Friday, February 25, 2011


It's the Chandos Road Building at the University of Buckingham.
I'm seated with Kiran, Indian from Canada and Patrick, White British.
We are out of our rooms this cold winter night in quest of knowledge.
The Right Honourable John Bercow, MP for Buckingham and Speaker
for the House of Commons is about to give a public lecture to his
constituents on our campus.
Brilliant delivery by any standard.
It is question time.
He will take questions on his delivery about the work of parliament
and all other constituency matters.
The first to "ask" is a shrill looking gentleman, not a day older than my younger brother.
"John ..." he starts, addressing THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS!
"John"? Just "John"? ... I'm thinking, (Ghanaian girl from Ghana where even the Assemblyman is referred to as "Honourable") waiting for the MC to put him to order.
... I wait in vain!
"John" graciously answers his question and everybody else's
Oh! and every body else addressed him as "John" !!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Loving responsible parents
"Nutty" crazy brothers
keeping things real
Uncles, aunties and cousins
whose love and support astound
Friends who care
and add colour
to life's occassional grey
You give reason to
open the big book
pick the small pen
You make chasing after
dreams, visions, aspirations
For all the joys you bring
May boundlesss love engulf you
Happy happy valentines day!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Dark night
Chilly beach
A knight! Come to save me
On bended knee, watered eyes
... "dilemma of a ghost"
The charm of awkwardness
The allure of fantasy
"I love you!"
"I loved you!"
That you proved untrue
That my heart lies in tatters
... I hold it all dear

Friday, February 4, 2011


The first look
The first smile
The first word
The first touch
The first kiss ...
The sheer awesome excitement
Each of these little treats bring to the heart
Love is beautiful!!!