Wednesday, June 18, 2014


So I'm watching local television this afternoon and like I always do, I'm constantly flipping channels. No, I don't have a short attention span and I don't think local stations are horrible. I just love to fully enjoy the benefits that multiple choice offers.
I chanced upon a new channel, GTV Govern - love it! I think the channel is dedicated to parliamentary proceedings - perfect! now we actually have eyes in parliament and can "see" for ourselves what our parliamentarians are up to - if only they showed up to work!
Yes! Actually, No! the chairs were empty! in some shots, I could count on one finger the number of MP's seated. No wonder they are always looking for reasons to boycott! they just do not want to show up for work! Where are they and what are they doing that is more important than the business of making laws which is why people queued for hours on end to get them elected so that they could have representation in the process?
When NPP MP's boycotted the vetting process, I was upset. I felt short changed. I felt deceived into believing that parliament will have a minority which is "Oh! so important" in the democratic process of governance. Now I'm upset because it feels like the whole process is a joke, well, at least to the MP's because they cant even be bothered to show up!
There's this belief or perhaps joke that there are parliamentarians who just sit in parliament and contribute NOTHNG all year round. The joke's on us apparently, because we should be grateful for those MP's who at least show up and sit through it, if for nothing at all, they will scream "yeah yeah" at the end of the day! 
I don't know about you, but i'm keeping an eye out for my MP every day! It's time to mark attendance. If you cant be bothered to show up for work in an air conditioned, chauffeur driven, fuel paid for, state of the art vehicle being provided you by the state for your work, I cant be bothered to queue for hours in the scorching sun to vote for you! Stay at home and over indulge in whatever precious thing is keeping you from parliament! Simple!!

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